Here are some sample images which illustrate the difference between color correction using Scarse-generated profiles and OEM profiles shipped with scanner hardware. All transparency images are scanned from 35mm film using Polaroid SprintScan 4000. The files are in TIFF format and are about 0.5Mb in size each. JPEG compression was not used because it introduces color artifacts.
All the photos except Kodak Q60 target are mine, and are copyrighted, so please don't steal them... If you want to see more of my work, or to license my images, feel free to visit my photo pages.
Q60 |
[ raw scan ] --> [ OEM profiles | Scarse profiles] |
Portrait [RA] |
[ raw scan ] --> [ OEM profiles | Scarse profiles] |
Snowy scene [RVP] |
[ raw scan ] --> [ OEM profiles | Scarse profiles] |
Fall colors [RVP] |
[ raw scan ] --> [ OEM profiles | Scarse profiles] |
Desert landscape [RVP] |
[ raw scan ] --> [ OEM profiles | Scarse profiles] |
BC rainforest [RVP] |
[ raw scan ] --> [ OEM profiles | Scarse profiles] |
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